A life of living each moment as new
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Real Tools for Real Life
Learn what over 20 Million People are embracing!
"Joe is an amazing teacher... the real deal."
Dr. Wayne Dyer
"Repeatlessness is like a modern day Be Here Now"
Ram Dass
Dr. Joe's On-line Classes
"Dr. Joe is a living genius!
His body of work is essential for
all of us on a spiritual journey!”
Dr. Harold Bloomfield
NY Times Best Selling Author of
‘Surviving the Loss of a Love’
Coaching ~ Lectures ~ Freebies
Dr. Joe shares a Significant Amount of his knowledge for free through videos, interviews and lectures on YouTube.
He relies on contributions as his primary source of income from viewers and students who feel they have received value from his sharing.
Thank you for your generous support and thank you for making it possible for Dr. Joe to continue to assist so many.
Endorsements include:
Ram Dass - Dr. Wayne Dyer - Jack Canfield - Dr. John Demartini - Harold Bloomfield MD - The New York Times - Spirit Science... and more.
My dear brother, beloved teacher, father, Guru and mentor Ram Dass passed away last Sunday, December 22, 2019.
Hundreds of Millions have been touched by this one Souls life. And he will continue to do so regardless of no longer being embodied here on Earth.
His endorsement of my teachings and my book is what ultimately launched my entire career.
I love you Ram Dass. Always have... and always will. Jai Guru Dev!
Ram Dass World Meditation - Dec 26th, 2019
This is a "World Premiere" presentation of Ram Dass' contribution to a Weekly World Meditation project I produced with him. His sincerity of heart and depth of love conveyed is palpable. And... his ending will touch your life forever.
Jai Guru Dev!
Spread the word.

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