Harold Bloomfield M.D.
Dr. Joe Marshalla is truly a Master Assimilator. His ability to synthesize so many modalities into a clear, concise, useful, practical and powerful set of tools is uncanny. In my 40 years as a psychiatrist, I have never seen anything like it. He has helped me and he has helped my family. Dr. Joe is a rare and special gift!


Samantha Sweetwater
Liberation! Unfathomable gratitude for the EMPOWERMENT weekend I just spent with Joe Marshalla. Words can hardly touch this state of repeatlessness. The stories released and tools learned will serve me (and many!) for the rest of my life.


Misty Odom
Thank you, Joe Marshalla, for sharing the wisdom and science of your life’s work with us this weekend! After your Empowerment Class, I feel a lightness and clarity that I haven’t felt in years~ and I am loving doing my P-SET collapse sheet and gaining even more insight into what has held me back-up to this point-from experiencing the fullness of my life. I am eternally grateful!


Ram Dass
Joe creates such a safe place of “Us-ness” that anyone can contemplate and reconsider their relationship to reality fresh and new. He is such a blessing.


Linda Joy Stevens
Biggest gratitude to you Joe for authentically telling me the truth about the untruth within me and facilitating a space for me to see all that is new and possible in every moment. Your coaching and your Empowerment weekend all flows into infinite moments of possibility.


Jaya Jaya Kuo
Wow, Joe… it’s three weeks after finishing Repeatlessness, and a week after your Empowerment workshop and I’m so ALIVE! Thank you for sharing wisdom that is so absolute and subtle… ancient and cutting edge… so practical and magical… Lovin life and lovin you! Blessings :o) jj


Carolyn Scoville
This 2-day workshop with my friend and teacher, Joe Marshalla, is life-changing. He is one of the world’s foremost consciousness teachers, and the transmission he gives will upgrade your whole system in ways you couldn’t imagine. If you’re looking for a breakthrough, or just a consciousness junkie like me, this is for you.


Bruce Beeley
Dr. Joe has distilled his 30-year accumulated knowledge into simple personal inquiries that unravel our frustrations and reveal our birthright for peace and happiness without compromise. Everyone can benefit from working with Dr. Joe!


Jessica Libbey
Wow! What a powerful two days at the Empowerment With Dr. Joe Marshalla weekend. I’m already feeling lighter, more free and more empowered, and I gained amazing tools and resources to take everything even deeper. It’s already changed the way I exist in the world. If anyone out there is interested in hosting one of these intimate weekends (10 people max), I highly recommend it!


Kenny Peake
So I intentionally waited to let the experience and on-going practice that I learned in Dr. Joe’s Empowerment class to sink in more deeply before giving a review. I’m really glad I did. ☺


For many years, I’ve been searching for a way to explain what makes me (and ultimately everybody) tick. What could possibly account for all the boring normalcy, the mystical experiences, and overall elusive str…angeness of reality?


I have explored many avenues of what consciousness truly is and how it operates in myself, others, and the universe at large. This includes the study of psychology, science, spirituality, philosophy, astrology, cultural history, and multiple models of consciousness (Integral Consciousness, Stanislov Grof, Drunvalo Melchizedek); the direct experience of non-ordinary states of consciousness through playing and listening to music, meditation, prayer, yoga, exercise, breath work, energy work, transpersonal workshops, astral projection, Kirtan, South American shamanism, gardening, hiking, communion with nature, etc…


Each of these activities, experiences, and maps of how consciousness exists and subsists holds a partial truth and a unique beauty. This is also true for Joe Marshalla’s Empowerment class. What sets this class apart from all the other experiences I have been through, however, is the clarity, complexity, simplicity, and sheer scope of what he has to share.


To give a fully expressed review of Joe and what he has to offer, I must also pay respect to another important person to me. One of the most significant persons that have helped me to exist in a state of true peace and allowance (though indirectly) is Eckhart Tolle. Anyone who is familiar with him will likely know where I’m coming from. He has the clearest way of articulating the totally inexpressible that I’ve ever encountered. For me, where the enlightenment of Eckhart reaches its limits of effectiveness in my life, the enlightenment of Joe perfectly begins in a way that both approaches of expressing truth compliment and supplement each other. Again this is in my experience.


All the information Joe presents in his course is rooted in hard science, philosophy, psychology, general spirituality, and most importantly from his direct personal experience. To borrow his words, he doesn’t believe what he teaches. He IS what he teaches to the degree that every single person who participates receives a direct vibrational transmission of information from Joe, and leaves the class having gone through a significant bio-chemical, psychological, emotional—whatever kind of “al” you can come up with—transformation.


By going through specific sequences of information and realizations, members of the class literally carve out new neural pathways in their brains. New synapses are formed and solidified through a method that discloses the unconscious aspects of human nature that literally hijack our beings and lead us down roads of anything less than an entirely liberated and optimal life.


Joe’s workshop took me out of my normal state of consciousness and demonstrated how much of my life (and pretty much everyone else) is run by an automatic protection system that greatly limits my experiential awareness of the true nature of Being as a human. And then to top it all off he gave and continues to give us additional tools and loving coaching that help participants to continuously generate a space, a way of Being, that allows for every conceivable (and inconceivable) experience to be fully received, assimilated, and equilibrated. This means that no mater whatever positive or negative occurrences happen, with a fierce determination and the arsenal of tools given by Joe, I can stay centered in the truest aspect of myself: pure spirit. This is what we really are.


Through this approach you can also experience more fully the ups and downs of life from a liberated vantage point much vaster than I can even imagine at the time of this writing. It truly is empowerment in the highest interpretation of the word.


So in closing it should be clear that I recommend this course to anyone and everyone. Whether you’re casually interested or have an extreme hunger for knowing what it is that ever-so-cleverly hinders us from being the brightest expression of light and love at all times, this class is for you.


KimJoy Monser
Two days and a now I stand in my life anew. Choosing to live right here, now. Thank you, Joe Marshalla for such profound tools and a form for applying them to shift my life fully into the present. I take responsibility, do my own clearing and healing and open to the possibilities that arise in the spaciousness of repeatlessness! Thank you, Joe for your gifts and willingness to share them!!!!!


Natalia Morales
Thank you for sharing your presence, essence and knowledge with us this weekend. rewiring our brain computer. Individual work for universal love. super thankful for the experience.


Seaton Collard
Joe thank you way super for our group these past two days! Your love and 72 trillion golden jewels of genius are a gift to all of us and our planet.


Joseph Zenner
Thanks Dr. Joe for all you shared at the pharmm last weekend… I had today what would have been a really tough day, but I used your techniques and enjoyed the ride and looked for the lesson… A transformation is happening as we speak in my custody battle and I owe you thanks… Namaste sweet cosmic brother… — with Natalia Morales and 4 others.


Samantha Sweetwater
Hey Friends! There is another opportunity coming up in the Bay Area September 8 & 9 to study with my extraordinary friend, teacher and soul-mirror, Joe Marshalla. I HIGHLY recommend this workshop!


Gail Mae Orchier
Dr. Joe’s the real deal. Highly recommended! ~* ~*


Tom B., Seattle, WA,
This was a super concentrated, ten workshops in one, kind of experience. I honestly don’t know how I made it this far without your class. Thank you Joe!”


Sally P., Chicago, IL
The Empowerment class is the best thing I have ever done. It changed my life!”


Clive D., Houston, TX
… and I now have a new found commitment to myself and my wife.”


Rebecca Stewart., New York, NY
Empowerment” is a WOW! It totally transformed my life and taught me I am love. It increased my own love for God and all mankind. I was able to see the “big picture” and why I was born. I discovered “my” purpose and the true meaning of my life here on earth. My prayer is that everyone may partake in this beautiful experience to be empowered, which is your God given birthright. Thank you Dr. Joe ”


Susan, Seattle, WA
I’ve been in counseling for years and finally I have tools and techniques that really work.”


Rhonda H., Tulsa, OK
I had pretty much given up on my relationship with my daughter. Now, after your class, we have turned a corner and we’re growing closer and more loving each day. Thank you Dr. Joe.”


Peter N., Addison, IL
I came to the class wanting to understand why I keep failing in my relationships. I had no idea that the technology would not only uncover that aspect of my life, but it also profoundly impacted my business, my finances, my health, and all of the relationships in my life. I use these tools every day and everyone notices the changes in my life.”


William K., London, UK
…what can I say? It was brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!”


Allison R., Madison, WI
Before I came to class, I was scared of revealing myself in front of a room of strangers. I didn’t understand how it all worked so I almost didn’t come. Once we got started and I began to realize how it worked, I saw my fear, let it go, and then everything was a breeze. Thank you doctor Joe.”


Virgil S., Austin, TX
What a coincidence it was the first time we met. Not many words were spoken but I sensed you had an important message to share. The Empowerment workshop was incredible! The techniques taught me how to soar to new heights in my personal development. Thank you.”


Celeste M., Seattle, WA
I really liked the small class size because I really felt safe to explore myself.”


Drew & Mary, Kent, WA
You really cooked our brains… and we loved it!.”


Mary M., S.F, CA
I’m finally no longer a victim in my life and for that, I cannot thank you enough.”


Ron W., Everett, WA
What would I say to someone about this class?… Well, if you can hear my words, there’s no mistake that you should take this class. It that’s simple. If your life has taken you to this moment where you’re considering taking this class, then in my opinion, you have called this opportunity to yourself and you should seize the moment and transform your life.”


Willam Grant Ph.D., Germany
Dr. Joe Marshalla is brilliant, truly a living genius walking among us on the planet today. He showed me how to take a lifetime of failure and regret and totally transform my life. After this two day class I am creative and successful, something I have never experienced before in all my years. I am truly grateful for this “Empowerment” that I live and breathe today. Thank you, Dr. Joe”